Doujinshi | Manga | Collar Hentai | English | Japanese | Chinese | Full Color

#430867 - Before he could clean the cum from his eyes, I now began licking his face, savouring the slightly bitter but salty taste of his cum, as I gently washed his face with my tongue and he grimaced, half in fun and half in torment at what I was doing. I had never actually ‘deep-throated’ a guy before but the thrill of having his body in my hands, clearly enjoying every moment, was driving me on to persist. Once again, our mouths became as one and our hot tongues caressed and played together, as my orgasm erupted from my insides and my body shuddered.

Read Raw Onegai Tengoku - Onegai Paradise - Onegai my melody Lima Onegai Tengoku - Onegai Paradise

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Horikawa kunihiro
Pure sexiest
Rina kurumi
Krlh frotinha me fodeeee