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#37483 - At 22 6'2 and still well toned; if i didn't start work soon i'd end up looking like rosanne barr(not a good look for a man). could i take five minutes of your time, i need a hand with something she said, of course sez i, she turned and said get in the passenger side, i swear i had no choice but to follow, no sooner was i in the seat than she pulled away; the acceleration closing the door. Step out of the car and lean back against it, as i did she walked around the car with a folded blanket that she placed at my feet, maggie unbuttoned and unzipped me pulling my pants down to my knees, i was slightly apprehensive as she didn't say a word; and being in such a vunerable position is not exactly condusive to a raging boner.

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Gosh mom maybe next time you ll listen to brad
Maria hikawa
Thanks my dear
Love her