Yoru no yatterman (16)
Yotsubato (54)
Yoshinaga-san chi no gargoyle (2)
Ys (3)
Yuruyuri (47)
Yuru camp (30)
Zatch bell (7)
Zombie land saga (40)
Zero no tsukaima | the familiar of zero (6)
Zettai karen children | absolutely lovely children (2)
Zone of the enders (4)
Zambot 3 (2)
Zoids genesis (24)
Zeta gundam (16)
Zettai bouei leviathan (3)
Zoids (17)
Zootopia (2)
Zaregoto (2)
Zegapain (3)
Ziga (3)
Zatch bell | konjiki no gash (2)
Zettai junpaku mahou shoujo (21)
Zettai karen children (35)
Zoids new century (2)
Zeroin (3)
Zettai muteki raijin-oh (5)
Zanki zero (1)
Zero no tsukaima (108)
Zannen onna kanbu black general-san (1)